[iOS] FoundationKit에는 무엇이 있을까?
Access essential data types, collections, and operating-system services to define the base layer of functionality for your app.
Numbers, Data, and Basic Values
Work with primitive values and other fundamental types used throughout Cocoa.
A signed integer value type.
A double-precision, floating-point value type.
A structure representing a base-10 number.
A formatter that converts between numeric values and their textual representations.
Binary Data
A byte buffer in memory.
A value that identifies the location of a resource, such as an item on a remote server or the path to a local file.
A structure that parses URLs into and constructs URLs from their constituent parts.
A single name-value pair from the query portion of a URL.
Unique Identifiers
A universally unique value that can be used to identify types, interfaces, and other items.
The basic type for floating-point scalar values in Core Graphics and related frameworks.
A point in a Cartesian coordinate system.
A two-dimensional size.
A rectangle.
A graphics coordinate transformation.
A description of the distance between the edges of two rectangles.
A structure used to describe a portion of a series, such as characters in a string or objects in an array.
Strings and Text
Create and process strings of Unicode characters, use regular expressions to find patterns, and perform natural language analysis of text.
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
Strings with Metadata
A string with associated attributes (such as visual style, hyperlinks, or accessibility data) for portions of its text.
class NSMutableAttributedString
A mutable string object that also contains attributes (such as visual style, hyperlinks, or accessibility data) associated with various portions of its text content.
A set of Unicode character values for use in search operations.
Natural Language Processing
Analyze natural language text to tag part of speech and lexical class, identify names, perform lemmatization, and determine the language and script.
Pattern Matching
A string parser that scans for substrings or characters in a character set, and for numeric values from decimal, hexadecimal, and floating-point representations.
An immutable representation of a compiled regular expression that you apply to Unicode strings.
A specialized regular expression object that matches natural language text for predefined data patterns.
An occurrence of textual content found during the analysis of a block of text, such as when matching a regular expression.
A value indicating that a requested item couldn’t be found or doesn’t exist.
Spelling and Grammar
A server that your app uses to provide a spell checker service to other apps running in the system.
protocol NSSpellServerDelegate
The optional methods implemented by the delegate of a spell server.
Information about linguistic, cultural, and technological conventions for use in formatting data for presentation.
A description of the linguistic content of natural language text, typically used for spelling and grammar checking.
Returns a localized string, using the main bundle if one is not specified.
Use arrays, dictionaries, sets, and specialized collections to store and iterate groups of objects or values.
Basic Collections
An ordered, random-access collection.
A collection whose elements are key-value pairs.
An unordered collection of unique elements.
A list of indexes that together represent the path to a specific location in a tree of nested arrays.
A collection of unique integer values that represent the indexes of elements in another collection.
Specialized Sets
A mutable, unordered collection of distinct objects that may appear more than once in the collection.
A static, ordered collection of unique objects.
A dynamic, ordered collection of unique objects.
Purgeable Collections
A mutable collection you use to temporarily store transient key-value pairs that are subject to eviction when resources are low.
A mutable data object containing bytes that can be discarded when they're no longer needed.
Pointer Collections
A collection similar to an array, but with a broader range of available memory semantics.
A collection similar to a dictionary, but with a broader range of available memory semantics.
A collection similar to a set, but with broader range of available memory semantics.
An abstract class whose subclasses enumerate collections of objects, such as arrays and dictionaries.
A protocol that objects adopt to support fast enumeration.
struct NSFastEnumerationIterator
An iterator suitable for enumerating the elements of an index set.
Options for block enumeration operations.
Options for block sorting operations.
Special Semantic Values
A singleton object used to represent null values in collection objects that don’t allow nilvalues.
A value indicating that a requested item couldn’t be found or doesn’t exist.
Dates and Times
Compare dates and times, and perform calendar and time zone calculations.
Date Representations
A specific point in time, independent of any calendar or time zone.
The span of time between a specific start date and end date.
A number of seconds.
Calendrical Calculations
A date or time specified in terms of units (such as year, month, day, hour, and minute) to be evaluated in a calendar system and time zone.
A definition of the relationships between calendar units (such as eras, years, and weekdays) and absolute points in time, providing features for calculation and comparison of dates.
Information about standard time conventions associated with a specific geopolitical region.
Date Formatting
A formatter that converts between dates and their textual representations.
A formatter that creates string representations of quantities of time.
A formatter that creates string representations of time intervals.
A formatter that converts between dates and their ISO 8601 string representations.
Information about linguistic, cultural, and technological conventions for use in formatting data for presentation.
Units and Measurement
Label numeric quantities with physical dimensions to allow locale-aware formatting and conversion between related units.
First Steps
A numeric quantity labeled with a unit of measure, with support for unit conversion and unit-aware calculations.
An abstract class representing a unit of measure.
An abstract class representing a dimensional unit of measure.
An abstract class that provides a description of how to convert a unit to and from the base unit of its dimension.
A description of how to convert between units using a linear equation.
Physical Dimension
A unit of measure for area.
A unit of measure for length.
A unit of measure for volume.
A unit of measure for rotation.
Mass, Weight, and Force
A unit of measure for mass.
A unit of measure for pressure.
Time and Motion
A unit of measure for acceleration.
A unit of measure for duration of time.
A unit of measure for frequency.
A unit of measure for speed.
Energy, Heat, and Light
A unit of measure for energy.
A unit of measure for power.
A unit of measure for temperature.
A unit of measure for luminance.
A unit of measure for electric charge.
A unit of measure for electric current.
class UnitElectricPotentialDifference
A unit of measure for electric potential difference.
A unit of measure for electric resistance.
Concentration and Dispersion
A unit of measure for concentration of mass.
A unit of measure for an amount-of-substance fraction.
Fuel Efficiency
A unit of measure for fuel efficiency.
Data Storage
Data Formatting
Convert numbers, dates, measurements, and other values to and from locale-aware string representations.
First Steps
Displaying Human-Friendly Content
Convert data into readable strings or Swift objects using formatters.
Numbers and Currency
A formatter that converts between numeric values and their textual representations.
class PersonNameComponentsFormatter
A formatter that provides localized representations of the components of a person’s name.
The separate parts of a person's name, allowing locale-aware formatting.
Dates and Times
A formatter that converts between dates and their textual representations.
A formatter that creates string representations of quantities of time.
class RelativeDateTimeFormatter
A formatter that creates locale-aware string representations of a relative date or time.
A formatter that creates string representations of time intervals.
A formatter that converts between dates and their ISO 8601 string representations.
Data Sizes
A formatter that converts a byte count value into a localized description that is formatted with the appropriate byte modifier (KB, MB, GB and so on).
A formatter that provides localized representations of units and measurements.
An object that provides locale-correct formatting of a list of items using the appropriate separator and conjunction.
Information about linguistic, cultural, and technological conventions for use in formatting data for presentation.
Custom Formatters
An abstract class that declares an interface for objects that create, interpret, and validate the textual representation of values.
A formatter that provides localized descriptions of linear distances, such as length and height measurements.
A formatter that provides localized descriptions of mass and weight values.
A formatter that provides localized descriptions of energy values.
Filters and Sorting
Use predicates, expressions, and sort descriptors to examine elements in collections and other services.
A definition of logical conditions used to constrain a search either for a fetch or for in-memory filtering.
An expression for use in a comparison predicate.
A specialized predicate that you use to compare expressions.
A specialized predicate that evaluates logical combinations of other predicates.
An immutable description of how to order a collection of objects based on a property common to all the objects.
Task Management
Manage your app’s work and how it interacts with system services like Handoff and Shortcuts.
A general-purpose recorder of operations that enables undo and redo.
An interface for objects that report progress using a single progress instance.
An object that conveys ongoing progress for a given task to the user.
An abstract class that represents the code and data associated with a single task.
A queue that regulates the execution of operations.
An operation that manages the concurrent execution of one or more blocks.
A timer that fires after a certain time interval has elapsed, sending a specified message to a target object.
Activity Sharing
Share the user’s current activity with Handoff, Spotlight, and Siri Shortcuts.
Increasing App Usage with Suggestions Based on User Activities
Provide a continuous user experience by capturing information from your app and displaying this information as proactive suggestions across the system.
Continuing User Activities with Handoff
Define and manage which of your app’s activities can be continued between devices.
Implementing Handoff in Your App
Create, send, and receive user activities directly.
A representation of the state of your app at a moment in time.
protocol NSUserActivityDelegate
The interface through which a user activity instance notifies its delegate of updates.
System Interaction
A collection of information about the current process.
class NSBackgroundActivityScheduler
A task scheduler suitable for low priority operations that can run in the background.
Combine Integration
A type alias for the Combine framework’s type that publishes a property marked with an attribute.
A type alias for the Combine framework’s type for an object with a publisher that emits before the object has changed.
Access assets and other data bundled with your app.
Bundle Resources
A representation of the code and resources stored in a bundle directory on disk.
On-Demand Resources
A resource manager you use to download content hosted on the App Store at the time your app needs it.
Design patterns for broadcasting information and for subscribing to broadcasts.
An informal protocol that objects adopt to be notified of changes to the specified properties of other objects.
A container for information broadcast through a notification center to all registered observers.
A notification dispatch mechanism that enables the broadcast of information to registered observers.
A notification center buffer.
Cross-Process Notifications
class DistributedNotificationCenter
A notification dispatch mechanism that enables the broadcast of notifications across task boundaries.
App Extension Support
Manage the interaction between an app extension and its hosting app.
Extension Support
protocol NSExtensionRequestHandling
The interface an app extension uses to respond to a request from a host app.
The host app context from which an app extension is invoked.
Share Extensions
Supporting Suggestions in Your App’s Share Extension
Make your messaging app available for share sheet suggestions and use SiriKit intents to populate your app’s share extension.
An item provider for conveying data or a file between processes during drag and drop or copy/paste activities, or from a host app to an app extension.
An immutable collection of values representing different aspects of an item for an extension to act upon.
Add Functionality to Finder with Action Extensions
Implement Action Extensions to provide quick access to commonly used features of your app.
Host App Interaction
A representation of the state of your app at a moment in time.
protocol NSUserActivityDelegate
The interface through which a user activity instance notifies its delegate of updates.
Errors and Exceptions
Respond to problem situations in your interactions with APIs, and fine-tune your app for better debugging.
User-Relevant Errors
A type representing an error value that can be thrown.
Information about an error condition including a domain, a domain-specific error code, and application-specific information.
A specialized error that provides localized messages describing the error and why it occurred.
A specialized error that may be recoverable by presenting several potential recovery options to the user.
A specialized error that provides a domain, error code, and user-info dictionary.
An object that logs an assertion to the console.
An object that represents a special condition that interrupts the normal flow of program execution.
Diagnostics and Debugging
func NSLogv(String, CVaListPointer)
Logs an error message to the Apple System Log facility.
func NSLog(String, CVarArg...)
Logs an error message to the Apple System Log facility.
Scripting Support
Allow users to control your app with AppleScript and other automation technologies, or run scripts from within your app.
Script Execution
An object that provides the ability to load, compile, and execute scripts.
Apple Event Handling
A wrapper for the Apple event descriptor data type.
A mechanism for registering handler routines for specific types of Apple events and dispatching events to those handlers.
Script Commands
A self-contained scripting statement.
A command that quits the specified app.
A command that sets one or more attributes or relationships to one or more values.
A command that moves one or more scriptable objects.
A command that creates a scriptable object.
A command that deletes a scriptable object.
A command that determines whether a scriptable object exists.
A command that retrieves a value or object from a scriptable object.
A command that clones one or more scriptable objects.
A command that counts the number of objects of a specified class in the specified object container.
A command that closes one or more scriptable objects.
Object Specifiers
An abstract class used to represent natural language expressions.
A specifier for a simple attribute value, a one-to-one relationship, or all elements of a to-many relationship.
A specifier for an insertion point in a container relative to another object in the container.
A specifier for an arbitrary object in a collection or, if not a one-to-many relationship, the sole object.
A specifier for a range of objects in a container.
A specifier for an object in a collection (or container) by unique ID.
A specifier that indicates every object in a collection matching a condition.
A specifier for an object in a collection (or container) by name.
A specifier indicating the middle object in a collection or, if not a one-to-many relationship, the sole object.
A specifier representing an object in a collection (or container) with an index number.
A specifier that indicates an object in a collection by its position relative to another object.
Script Dictionary Description
The top-level repository of scriptability information for an app at runtime.
class NSScriptClassDescription
A scriptable class that a macOS app supports.
An abstract class that provides the interface for querying the relationships and properties of a class.
class NSScriptCommandDescription
A script command that a macOS app supports.
Object Matching Tests
An abstract class that provides the basis for testing specifiers one at a time or in groups.
A comparison between an object specifier and a test object.
The logical combination of one or more specifier tests.
NSObject Script Support
A collection of default comparison methods useful for performing specifier tests.
A collection of methods useful for comparing script objects.
A collection of methods that provide additional capabilities for working with key-value coding.
A collection of methods providing additional object specifier functionality.
A mechanism for converting one kind of scripting data to another.
class NSScriptExecutionContext
The context in which the current script command is executed.
File System
Create, read, write, and examine files and folders in the file system.
File System Operations
Use high-level APIs to get the most out of Apple File System.
A convenient interface to the contents of the file system, and the primary means of interacting with it.
The interface a file manager's delegate uses to intervene during operations or if an error occurs.
Managed File Access
An object-oriented wrapper for a file descriptor.
A stub class that encapsulates security information about a file.
A snapshot of a file at a specific point in time.
A representation of a node (a file, directory, or symbolic link) in the file system.
Shared Files
The interface a file coordinator uses to inform an object presenting a file about changes to that file made elsewhere in the system.
The details of a coordinated-read or coordinated-write operation.
An object that coordinates the reading and writing of files and directories among file presenters.
Recognize common error codes generated by file system operations.
Archives and Serialization
Convert objects and values to and from property list, JSON, and other flat binary representations.
First Steps
Encoding and Decoding Custom Types
Make your data types encodable and decodable for compatibility with external representations such as JSON.
A type that can convert itself into and out of an external representation.
A protocol that enables an object to be encoded and decoded for archiving and distribution.
A protocol that enables encoding and decoding in a manner that is robust against object substitution attacks.
Encode and decode JSON data, regardless of its structure, using Swift’s JSON support.
An object that encodes instances of a data type as JSON objects.
An object that decodes instances of a data type from JSON objects.
An object that converts between JSON and the equivalent Foundation objects.
Property Lists
An object that encodes instances of data types to a property list.
An object that decodes instances of data types from a property list.
class PropertyListSerialization
An object that converts between a property list and one of several serialized representations.
Parse XML documents.
Keyed Archivers
An encoder that stores an object’s data to an archive referenced by keys.
protocol NSKeyedArchiverDelegate
The optional methods implemented by the delegate of a keyed archiver.
A decoder that restores data from an archive referenced by keys.
protocol NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate
The optional methods implemented by the delegate of a keyed unarchiver.
An abstract class that serves as the basis for objects that enable archiving and distribution of other objects.
class NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformer
Persistently store domain-scoped pieces of information for configuring your app.
App-Specific Data
An interface to the user’s defaults database, where you store key-value pairs persistently across launches of your app.
Shared Data
class NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
An iCloud-based container of key-value pairs you use to share data among instances of your app running on a user's connected devices.
Search for files and other items on the local device, and index your app's content for searching.
A query that you perform against Spotlight metadata.
protocol NSMetadataQueryDelegate
An interface that enables the delegate of a metadata query to provide substitute results or attributes.
The metadata associated with a file.
Manage files and key-value data that automatically synchronize among a user's iCloud devices.
iCloud Storage
A convenient interface to the contents of the file system, and the primary means of interacting with it.
The interface a file manager's delegate uses to intervene during operations or if an error occurs.
App Preferences
Synchronizing App Preferences with iCloud
Store app preferences in iCloud and share them among instances of your app running on a user’s connected devices.
class NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
An iCloud-based container of key-value pairs you use to share data among instances of your app running on a user's connected devices.
File Search
A query that you perform against Spotlight metadata.
protocol NSMetadataQueryDelegate
An interface that enables the delegate of a metadata query to provide substitute results or attributes.
The metadata associated with a file.
The container identifiers for the iCloud development environment.
The development or production environment to use for the iCloud containers.
iCloud Container Identifiers Entitlement
The container identifiers for the iCloud production environment.
Key: com.apple.developer.icloud-container-identifiers
The iCloud services used by the app.
Key: com.apple.developer.icloud-services
iCloud Key-Value Store Entitlement
The container identifier to use for iCloud key-value storage.
Key: com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier
Error codes to expect when an iCloud-related error occurs.
Optimizing App Data for iCloud Backup
Minimize the space and the amount of time that iCloud Backup requires for your app data.
URL Loading System
Interact with URLs and communicate with servers using standard Internet protocols.
Configure and create sessions, then use them to create tasks that interact with URLs.
Fetching Website Data into Memory
Receive data directly into memory by creating a data task from a URL session.
An object that coordinates a group of related, network data-transfer tasks.
A task, like downloading a specific resource, performed in a URL session.
Requests and Responses
A URL load request that is independent of protocol or URL scheme.
The metadata associated with the response to a URL load request, independent of protocol and URL scheme.
The metadata associated with the response to an HTTP protocol URL load request.
Post data from your app to servers.
Send a stream of data to a server.
Downloading Files from Websites
Download files directly to the filesystem.
Pausing and Resuming Downloads
Allow the user to resume a download without starting over.
Downloading Files in the Background
Create tasks that download files while your app is inactive.
Cache Behavior
Control how URL requests make use of previously cached data.
A cached response to a URL request.
An object that maps URL requests to cached response objects.
Authentication and Credentials
Handling an Authentication Challenge
Respond appropriately when a server demands authentication for a URL request.
class URLAuthenticationChallenge
A challenge from a server requiring authentication from the client.
An authentication credential consisting of information specific to the type of credential and the type of persistent storage to use, if any.
The manager of a shared credentials cache.
A server or an area on a server, commonly referred to as a realm, that requires authentication.
A representation of an HTTP cookie.
A container that manages the storage of cookies.
Error codes returned by URL loading APIs.
URL Loading System Error Info Keys
Recognize these keys from the user info dictionary of error objects produced by URL Loading APIs.
Migrate your code away from using these legacy objects.
Advertise services for easy discovery on local networks, or discover services advertised by others.
Local Network Services
A network service that broadcasts its availability using multicast DNS.
The interface a net service uses to inform its delegate about the state of the service it offers.
property list key NSBonjourServices
Bonjour service types browsed by the app.
Name: Bonjour services
property list key NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription
A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the local network.
Name: Privacy - Local Network Usage Description
Service Discovery
A network service browser that finds published services on a network using multicast DNS.
protocol NetServiceBrowserDelegate
The interface a net service browser uses to inform a delegate about the state of service discovery.
Manage secure interprocess communication.
XPC Client
Methods for creating new proxy objects.
A bidirectional communication channel between two processes.
An interface that may be sent to an exported object or remote object proxy.
XPC Services
A listener that waits for new incoming connections, configures them, and accepts or rejects them.
protocol NSXPCListenerDelegate
The protocol that delegates to the XPC listener use to accept or reject new connections.
An object that names a specific XPC listener.
Object Runtime
Get low-level support for basic Objective-C features, Cocoa design patterns, and Swift integration.
Object Basics
The root class of most Objective-C class hierarchies, from which subclasses inherit a basic interface to the runtime system and the ability to behave as Objective-C objects.
The group of methods that are fundamental to all Objective-C objects.
A mechanism by which you can access the properties of an object indirectly by name or key.
A protocol that objects adopt to provide functional copies of themselves.
A protocol that mutable objects adopt to provide functional copies of themselves.
Value Wrappers and Transformations
An object wrapper for primitive scalar numeric values.
A simple container for a single C or Objective-C data item.
An abstract class used to transform values from one representation to another.
Swift Support
A decoration applied to types that are backed by a Foundation reference type.
Classes Bridged to Swift Standard Library Value Types
Use bridged reference types when you need reference semantics or Foundation-specific behavior.
Remote Objects
An abstract superclass defining an API for objects that act as stand-ins for other objects or for objects that don’t exist yet.
Memory Management
Perform low-level memory management tasks.
Objective-C Runtime
Interact with the Objective-C runtime.
Versions and API Availability
Foundation Framework Version Numbers
Recognize the constants for comparing the current running version of Foundation against known OS version numbers.
Enable communication among objects in different processes, both locally and on remote systems.
Objective-C Garbage Collection
Interface with the legacy garbage collection system.
Processes and Threads
Manage your app's interaction with the host operating system and other processes, and implement low-level concurrency features.
Run Loop Scheduling
The programmatic interface to objects that manage input sources.
A timer that fires after a certain time interval has elapsed, sending a specified message to a target object.
Process Info
A collection of information about the current process.
Threads and Locking
A thread of execution.
The elementary methods adopted by classes that define lock objects.
An object that coordinates the operation of multiple threads of execution within the same application.
A lock that may be acquired multiple times by the same thread without causing a deadlock.
A lock that multiple applications on multiple hosts can use to restrict access to some shared resource, such as a file.
A lock that can be associated with specific, user-defined conditions.
A condition variable whose semantics follow those used for POSIX-style conditions.
A queue that regulates the execution of operations.
An abstract class that represents the code and data associated with a single task.
An operation that manages the concurrent execution of one or more blocks.
Scripts and External Tasks
An object representing a subprocess of the current process.
An object that executes scripts.
An object that executes AppleScript scripts.
An object that executes Automator workflows.
An object that executes unix applications.
Streams, Sockets, and Ports
Use low-level Unix features to manage input and output among files, processes, and the network.
An abstract class representing a stream.
A stream that provides read-only stream functionality.
A stream that provides write-only stream functionality.
An interface that delegates of a stream instance use to handle events on the stream.
Tasks and Pipes
An object representing a subprocess of the current process.
A one-way communications channel between related processes.
A representation of an individual host on the network.
An abstract class that represents a communication channel.
A port that represents a BSD socket.
Byte Ordering
Examine and manage the byte order of numbers communicated through network channels.